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Let Them Go

Ebone Bracy

Updated: May 9, 2022

Relationships are a part of life.Along the way, some relationships come and some relationships go. All relationships are not meant to be lifelong.

Oftentimes we hold on to them as if they are. Why do we hold on to a relationship that is causing us a great deal of pain? It is important for us to evaluate the relationships we have. And, if the relationship is causing more harm than it is good, it may be time to let it go.

Letting go of a relationship is not easy when you love that person and hold him/her in your heart. I can think of a time when I had that decision to make. Should I hold on, or should I let it go? I came up with every excuse why holding on was the best thing for me to do. It seemed like letting go required too much work. I mean, there was so much that I had already invested in this person and relationship. So, I held on wishing that things would change. I wished that this person’s actions toward me wouldn’t hurt so bad. I wished that I didn’t cry every night so disappointed not only in this person, but disappointed in myself for even being in this situation. I wished that this person realized the way they were treating me didn’t reflect the love that they said they had for me. I wished that we could start again and create a different normal, because the bad treatment and disrespect had become just that, our normal.

It took me a long time to understand that I cannot change anyone. Nobody changes unless they choose to. Me hoping and wishing for them to change isn’t enough. I may not be able to control anybody else, but I can control how I allow others to treat me. People will go as far as you let them. I choose not to disrespect myself or willfully allow anyone else to either. And if that means letting them go, then that is what I have to do. I have to think about me, even if nobody else does. Why? Because I am a victorious woman rising!



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